Irish National Training Colleges.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SpEcrsioa."] - SIR,—The Session of 1891 has closed, and during its course much has been done to bear out the contention of all 4 . Unionists," that the......
C HINON. A GREAT yellow ruin, magnificently situated, is all that remains of the Royal castle of Chinon. But that it should for so many centuries, from Clovis to Marie de'......
Letters To The Editor.
ANATHEMA TO BELIEVERS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] the Spectator of August 8th, you come out in your true colours,—viz., as a friend of stagnation in theology, and an......
Mr. John Morley And Free Education.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] can find no authority for your statement that you suspected Mr. Chamberlain had taken up the question of Free Education before Mr. John......