Only Clarchen. By Isabel Don. 2 Vols. (eden, Remington, And
Co.)—This is a fairly good love-story. Chirchen is a girl, half-English, half-German by parentage. Some English relatives take her up in a patronising kind of way. This brings......
London City. By W. J. Loftie, B.a. Illustrated By W.
Luker, jun. (The Leadenhall Press.)—This is a handsome book, well and copiously illustrated. Still, in a way, it is disappointing. Mr. Loftie discusses at considerable length......
Collingwood. By W. Clark Russell. (methuen.)—it Is...
commend this volume to our readers. The subject and the authorship speak for it. Mr. Clark Russell is thoroughly intelligence the story of a great sailor. But Collingwood was......
Mea Culpa : A Woman's Last Word. Byhenry Harland. (heine-
tnann.)—All the characters in Mea Culpa are distinctly good, except Prince Leonticheff. He is an almost impossible character, and of a kind a novelist should only put forward......
Black America. By W. Laird Clowes. (cassell And Co.)—mr....
states the problem—the future of the American Negro— completely and fairly, and discusses the solutions which have been proposed. What he calls the " blac't belt" is growing......
The Naval Annual. By Lord Brassey, K.c.b., And E. K.
Barnes, 11.I.N.A. Edited by T. A. Brassey. (Griffin and Co., Portsmouth.) —One of the most significant things about our Navy is its unique position ; it has to be the strongest......