15 AUGUST 1891, page 16

A Portsmouth Home.

LTo TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR.'] Sin, — May I ask an inch of your space to press the claims of the St. Andrew ' s Home, Portsmouth, which, under the care of the Diocesan......

Women In Shakespeare.

[To TEE EDITOR Of TEX " SPRCTATOR." J SIR, — In the discussion upon women in your columns, would it not be better, before stating views on the subject, to study our Shakespeare.......

The Licensing System In Sweden. [to Ras Editor Or Tsb

" SPICTATOIL,"] Sia, — During a visit to Sweden, I have had an opportunity of hearing from Swedish friends facts relating to, and their opinion upon, the Swedish licensing......


AN EPISTLE. So, into Cornwall you go down, And leave me loitering here in town. For me, the ebb of London ' s wave, Not ocean-thunder in Cornish cave. My friends (save only one......

Mr. John Morley And Free Education.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] can find no authority for your statement that you suspected Mr. Chamberlain had taken up the question of Free Education before Mr. John......