But Even If It Could Be Shown That M. Pasteur's
patients have been occasionally saved by his inoculations, the ex- pense of deliberate cruelty at which they have been saved is something awful. A French journal,......
If The Principle That Hard Cases Make Bad Law Were
not of the -very greatest practical importance and utility, we should feel inclined to differ with the decision of Mr. Justice Collins in the nullity of marriage case decided by......
The Times Of Wednesday Gives The Text Of A Decree
issued by the Emperor of China in regard to the recent riots. The Emperor declares that the propagation of Christianity by foreign missionaries is protected by treaty. Further,......
The Cape Town Correspondent Of The Times, Telegraphing On...
states that Mr. Bent's examination of the ruins of Zimbabye has already begun to produce results. The great walled enclosure, which has a circumference of 260 yards, is found to......
The Investigation Of The Charges Against Canadian...
Tuesday, it was announced that Sir Hector Langevin had resigned his post in the Dominion Cabinet, and on that day his examination before the Committee was begun. His evidence,......
Mr. Joseph Leicester, An Ex-member Of Parliament, Who...
Radcliffe Cooke (M.P. for West Newington) a rather hasty and foolish estimate of Lord Hartington's powers as a speaker,—which he was evidently not competent to criticise,— has......
Bank Rate, 24- Per Cent.
New Consols (VD were on Friday 961- to sq.......
On Tuesday, Mr. Justice Stirling Refused The Application...
Lord Ailesbury, under the Settled Land Act for leave to sell the Savernake estate to Lord Iveagh (Sir Edward -Guinness) for the sum of £750,000. The leave of the Court was......