16 MAY 1903, Page 18


ero THE EDITOR OF THE eseecreronee SIR,—Would you be kind enough to substitute the name of H.M.S. 'Hood' for H.M.S. Andromeda ' as the crack shooting ship of the Mediterranean Fleet in my letter on the subject of shooting in the Spectator of May 2nd? H.M.S. Hood' made seventy-nine hits out of one hundred and five rounds, percentage 75.2, and H.M.S. Andromeda' made one hundred and twenty-four hits out of one hundred and seventy-one rounds, percentage 72.5.—I am, Sir, &c., 2 Windmill Hill, Hampstead. ARNOLD WHITE.

[We received this letter from Mr. Arnold White too late for our issue of last Saturday.—ED. Spectator.]