16 MAY 1903, page 26

World Pictures. By Mortimer Menpes. (a. And C. Black....

all the people who try three-colour process printing Mr. Menpes succeeds best. That is to say, his work when done in this way has fewer of the defects of the process than any......

Sir Joshua Reynolds. By Lord Ronald Gower. (g. Bell And

Sons. 7s. 6d.)—The author gossips pleasantly about Reynolds and his Johnsonian circle. Without being a deep study of the master, the book contains much sympathetic and......

Current Literature.

ART-BOOKS. In the "Makers of British Art" Series (Walter Scott Publishing Company, 3s. 6d.) Mr. R. Chignell writes the Life of Turner. A feature of the book is the space given......

Altdorfer. Seventy-one Woodcuts Photographically Repro-...

T. Sturge Moore. (The Unicorn Press.)—The rude force of the early German woodcuts makes them interesting. It matters not whether the subject be two ill- favoured lovers sitting......

A Catalogue Of The Armoury At Valetta. By G. F.

Laking (Brad- bury, Agnew, and Co. 10s. 6d.)—At the instance of Lord Grenfell while Governor of Malta, Mr. Laking rearranged the armoury and made a classified catalogue. Apart......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading toe notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Constructive Congregational Ideals. Edited by D. Macfadyen, M.A. (R.......

Andrea Palladio. By Banister F. Fletcher. (bell And Sons.

1 ls.)—Travellers in Italy often get wearied by the soulless multiplication of buildings coming under the general style of " Palladian architecture." By reading the present work......

The India Of The Queen, And Other Essays. By The

late Sir W. W. Hunter. Edited by Lady Hunter. (Longman and Co. 9s. net.) —That Sir William Hunter knew as much of British India—we might say India generally—as any man ever did......

Modern Mural Decoration. By A. Lys Baldry. (g. Newnes. 12s.

6d.)—Perhaps the most hopeful sign in modern English art is the attention now being paid to wall decoration. At present the movement is small, and much of the energy is......