16 MAY 1903, page 27

Rabbits, Cats, And Cavies. By C. H. Lane. (j. M.

Dent and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—The sub-title of this work sufficiently describes its ob- ject, "Descriptive Sketches of All Recognised Exhibition Varieties, with many Original......

Rambles In Womanzand. By Max O'rell. (chatto And Windus. 3s.

6d.)—That he will find something very smart and clever will be the first reflection of any one who reads this title ; his second may possibly be that in the matter of taste he......

We Have Received The Royal Blue Book (kelly's...

This, it should be said, is the " May " edition, containing the latest corrections and additions, in view, no doubt, of the London season.......

New Edition9.—st. Peter In Rome. By A. S. Barnes, M.a.

(Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 10s. (i1.)--Signor Rodolphe Lanciani writes a preface for this second edition, in which he makes much, as he is quite entitled to do, of the general......

Poets And Poetry Of Blackburn. By George Hull. (times...

Blackburn.)—Mr. Hull has brought together here more than fifty poets as represented by extracts from their works. These fifty-odd are the poetical harvest of Blackburn during......

The India Of The Queen, And Other Essays. By The

late Sir W. W. Hunter. Edited by Lady Hunter. (Longman and Co. 9s. net.) —That Sir William Hunter knew as much of British India—we might say India generally—as any man ever did......

The Ancestor. Edited By Oswald Barron, F.s.a. No. 5. (con-

stable and Co. 5s. net.)—We must be content with the briefest notice of this "Quarterly Review of County and Family History, Heraldry, and Antiquities." The principal articles......