16 MAY 1903, Page 27

The Ancestor. Edited by Oswald Barron, F.S.A. No. 5. (Con-

stable and Co. 5s. net.)—We must be content with the briefest notice of this "Quarterly Review of County and Family History, Heraldry, and Antiquities." The principal articles in the number are "The Origin of the Carews," by Mr. J. Horace Round, and " Pictures of English Dress in the Thirteenth Century." The editor and his contributors pursue their salutary work of destroy- ing genealogical tables, and there are other articles dealing with one or another subdivision of the subjects of which the Ancestor treats,—" The Family Pictures at Belhus " (a house in South- West Essex) and " Ten English Wills from the Archdeaconry of London, 1400-1415." (These are the earliest English wills in this Court.) They have the usual interest attaching to such docu- ments. In the first of the ten John Terrell leaves £12 for Masses, .213 6s. 8d. to the four Orders of Friars for the same purpose; for the same again, £1 to the rector of Christ Church, and 6s. 8d. to each Canon ; various other bequests to spiritual persons, and an instruction to his executors to apply the residue of his property for the " profyt of my soul."