16 MAY 1903, page 13

Letters To The Editor.

THE RELATIONS OF GREAT BRITAIN WITH RUSSIA. (To TRH EDITOR Or TOR "SPECTATOR:1 am glad that the strongest protest against Lord Lansdowne's • declaration regarding the Persian......

The Purity Of Local Administration. [to Ter Editor Op Tee

"SPRCTATOR.1 SIE,—May I ask your permission to make a statement on a point raised in your review in the Spectator of April 25th of my "Essay on the Reform of Local Taxation " ?......

[to The Editor Of The "spectator.1

Sia,—In your interesting leader on the above-named subject in the Spectator of May 9th I read the two following sentences, to which I venture to call attention :—" Manchuria......

[to Ter Editor Of Ter ~ Stemma," Sin,—in The Interesting

article which appeared under the above heading in the last number of the Spectator you con- tend that " Manchuria will be just as advantageous to us in Russian hands, provided......