16 MAY 1903, page 3

In The House Of Commons On Thursday An Interesting Die.

cussion took place on the Navy Estimates, during which there was a pretty general agreement that it would be unwise to decrease naval expenditure at the present time, though it......

The London Budget Was Introduced By Lord Welby At Tuesday's

meeting of the County Council. Lord Welby esti- mated last year for an expenditure of £4,347,023 and a revenue of £4,251,061, leaving £95,962 to be taken from the cash balance.......

Mr. A. Carnegie Made A Noteworthy Speech Last Saturday While

opening a library at West Ham presented by Mr. Pass. more Edwards to the citizens. He announced his opinion that patriotism must become " larger in its scope," and that Europe......

The Result Of The Protectionist Deputation To The Prime...

to protest against the relief of the food of the people from taxation will not have been reported before these pages have gone to press ; but we feel sure that we may rely upon......

For The Second Time Within The Last Two Months An

organised Government has used its legislative power to restrict, or rather to suppress, a Labour movement. The strike of the railway- men in Victoria has so irritated the......

The Transvaal Three Per Cent. Loan Has Been An Amazing

success. So confident were the great financiers and the general body of investors that it would rise to a premium that they subscribed the total amount nearly forty times over.......

We Greatly Regret The Announcement That Mr. Sadler Has...

his post at the Education Office. We do not feel convinced by the official explanation of the incident given in the Commons on Thursday, and prima facie it is difficult to......

The Long-expected Report Of The War Office On Canteens And

Regimental Institutes was published on Thursday. Since, however, it was not completely issued to the Press, and since the whole matter will, we understand, be discussed in......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

Consols (2i per cent.) were on Friday 92.......