16 MAY 1903, Page 3

The result of the Protectionist deputation to the Prime Minister

to protest against the relief of the food of the people from taxation will not have been reported before these pages have gone to press ; but we feel sure that we may rely upon the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the Exchequer refusing to yield to the selfish and short-sighted clamour of the advocates of the Corn-tax. Mr. Ritchie has indeed earned in no small degree the gratitude of the country by the courageous and statesmanlike attitude he has adopted throughout the campaign that has been directed against his Budget proposals. We deeply regret a great deal of the language used by Ministers last year about the Corn-tax; but we honour Mr. Ritchie for taking off the duty in spite of the unfortunate language then used. A weak man would have made that language an excuse for maintaining the tax, or for some feeble compromise. Mr. Ritchie has had the boldness and the wisdom not to be afraid of taking a step backward when such a step was in the right direction. The rumour that Sir Michael Hicks Beach will support the Protectionist malcontents is to us incredible.