16 MAY 1903, page 2

Lord Selborne Defended The Resolve To Go Back To The

early age of entry, as supported by the almost unanimous approval of the Service, and held that the combination of special and general education necessary could only be secured......

In The House Of Commons On Thursday An Interesting Die.

cussion took place on the Navy Estimates, during which there was a pretty general agreement that it would be unwise to decrease naval expenditure at the present time, though it......

The Vacancy At The Ministry Of Agriculture Has Been Filled

by the appointment of Lord Onslow, who thus enters the Cabinet. Lord Onslow, who has been Governor of New Zealand and Under-Secretary of State both for India and the Colonies,......

There Was Some Desultory Discussion Of The Budget Resole....

in the Committee of Ways and Means on Tuesday, it being decided that no general debate could take place before the second reading of the Finance Bill. The Chancellor of the......

In Reply To Some Hostile Criticisms By Lord Glasgow, And

some friendly questions by Lord Spencer, Lord Selborne made a long and important statement in reference to the Admiralty Memorandum in the Lords on Friday week. In defending the......

The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Calls Attention To The

fact that the political character impressed upon the Papacy by the desire to recover the temporal power begins to alienate Roman Catholics in many lands. The Americans......

The Preston Election Has Resulted In The Return Of The

Unionist candidate by the substantial majority of 2,149. Mr. Kerr, the Unionist, polled 8,639 votes ; and Mr. Hodge, the Labour candidate, but receiving Liberal recog- nition......

An Extraordinary, Indeed Almost Unintelligible, Story...

Just before the departure of the Cunard liner Umbria ' on the 9th inst. the police were informed by letter that the Mafia Secret Society had declared war on Great Britain, and......