16 MAY 1903, Page 27

New EDITION9.—St. Peter in Rome. By A. S. Barnes, M.A.

(Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 10s. (i1.)--Signor Rodolphe Lanciani writes a preface for this second edition, in which he makes much, as he is quite entitled to do, of the general reaction from the extreme scepticism of the negative school as regards early Roman history, and also draws special conclusions from recent discoveries. The evidence for the presence of St. Peter in Rome and of his suffering martyrdom there is certainly strong. That this is a very different thing from the twenty-five years' Pontificate during which he was the Infallible Head of the Church need hardly be said. —A. Memoir of Anne Jemiesa Clough. By her Niece, Blanche A. Clough. (E. Arnold. 6s.)— British Family Names : their Origin and Meaning. By the Rev. Henry Barber. (Elliot Stock. 10s. 6d. net.)—The Greatest Thing in the World, and other Addresses. By Henry Drummond. (Hodder and Stoughton. 2s. 6d. net.)-2'he Concise Standara Dictionary of the English Language. Abridged from "Funk anc Wagnalls' Standard Dictionary " by James C. Fernald. (Funk anc Wagnalls. 2s. 6d.)—Alpine Flowers for Gardens. By W, Robinson. (John Murray. 10s. 6d. net.)—A valuable addition to the library of the amateur gardener.