We must now set forth in chronological order the course
of the Parliamentary crisis. On Monday after- noon the Government were defeated in the Commons on an amendment to the financial clauses of the Home Rule Bill proposed by Sir Frederick Banbury. The amendment provided that the total payment out of the Exchequer to Ireland should not exceed .E2,500.000 in any year, exclusive of the proceeds of the Irish taxes and of any saving effected in transferred services. Mr. Herbert Samuel tried to laugh the amendment out of court, saying that Sir F. Banbury had often made such proposals before, and that this would be defeated like all the others. A few minutes afterwards the amendment was carried by 228 votes to 206. The unexpected defeat of the Government caused intense excitement in the House. Immediately after the figures had been declared Mr. Asquith moved that the proceedings on the Bill be adjourned, and the motion was agreed to.