16 NOVEMBER 1912, page 19

On Tuesday The Report Stage Of The Criminal Law Amend-

ment Bill was resumed. Mr. McKenna pointed out that the ardent opponents of flogging were mistaken in saying that flogging had been long ago abandoned by the law. It was still......

The Responses For The Navy And Army Came In Order

before Mr. Asquith's speech, and were made by Mr. Churchill and Colonel Seely respectively. Mr. Churchill said that no harm, but rather good, had been done during the year by......

A Reuter's Message On Monday Announced That The Sultan Of

Perak had proposed that the Malay States should offer a first-class armoured ship to the Admiralty, and later in the week came the news that the Government had gratefully......

On Thursday A Great Unionist Demonstration Was Held At The

Albert Hall. The speeches made by Lord Lansdowne and Mr. Bonar Law were of great importance, but we cannot deal with them adequately, so great is the pressure upon our space. We......

We Are Very Glad To Notice That Colonel Seely Spoke

warmly of the "wonderful national creation of the people themselves—the National Reserve." A Reserve of over 170,000 trained and experienced men is indeed an invaluable......

On Wednesday It Was Announced That Stafford House Had Been

bought from the Duke of Sutherland by Sir William H. Lever. It is understood that Sir W. Lever will devote the house to national purposes. It would be impertinent to suggest to......

The Papers Of Tuesday Announced Officially The Retirement...

Bryce from the Ambassadorship to the United States. During the last five years Mr. Bryce has filled his office with dignity and success. No appointment, perhaps, was ever more......

At The Lord Mayor's Banquet Last Saturday Mr. Asquith Made

a statement on the Balkan war, impressive in form and admirable in manner, and the heartiness with which it was received proved that he expressed the feelings of everyone......


The Taunton By-election, Caused By The Elevation Of Mr....

Peel to the peerage, took place on Monday. The Unionists retained the seat with an increased majority of 52. The figures were—Sir Gilbert Wills (U.) 1,882, Mr. J. E. Schunck......

We Much Regret To Record The Assassination Of The Spanish

Prime Minister, Senor Canalejas, by an anarchist on Tuesday. Senor Canalejas was shot dead while standing outside a book shop in Madrid. His death is a great loss not only to......

Let Us Say In Conclusion That Though We Have Felt

obliged to arraign the Foreign Office for their supineness in dealing with Portugal, we do not suppose for a moment that at heart they are anything but perturbed and disgusted......