Henry Th.'s Historic Formula. [to The Editor Of The "...
SIR,—It was of the Earl of Kildare and not of the Earl of Desmond that Henry VII. issued his famous dictum. One of his Council had complained, "All Ireland cannot govern this......
Can Anglo-saxons Colonize The Tropics ?
TO TIED EDITOR Or THE " SPEcTATOR."] should be very much obliged if any of your readers who are familiar with the tropics would give me their opinion' as to whether there is any......
Medical Benefits Under The Insurance Act.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOZ:] SIB, — Probably most people, if they think about it at all, believe that the struggle which is now taking place between the medical profession......
Compensation For Germany. [to The Editor Of Tee "...
Sin,—The peace of Europe being again disturbed, the atten- tion of the world at large is concentrated on what questions may arise on the finale of the present war in the Near......
Proportional Representation.
[TO TIM EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Since Mr. Humphreys in his letter to you on "Propor- tional Representation" refers somewhat pointedly to myself, a few words in reply......