Can Anglo-saxons Colonize The Tropics ?
TO TIED EDITOR Or THE " SPEcTATOR."] should be very much obliged if any of your readers who are familiar with the tropics would give me their opinion' as to whether there is any......
Childe Harold's Prophecy.
[To THE EDITOR OF TIM "SPECTATOR..1 SLE,-I do not think anyone has recalled the conditions fore- told by Lord Byron, under which "The city won for Allah from the Giaour The......
Antipathies Of Genius—tennyson And Brougham.
[To via EDITOR OF THE " SPROTATOR:1 Sin,—In your issue of November 2nd it is related that, in the presence of Sir F. Wedmore, Tennyson was asked whether he liked the Russians,......
Unemployment In The Church.
[To THZ EDITOR, OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—The letter of your correspondent " Iophon " in last week's issue contains two rather grave misrepresentations. He says that "there are......