In Praise Of Edinburgh. By Rosaline Masson. (constable...
Gs. net.)-Assuming that there remained in British letters a legitimate place for an anthology of Edinburgh. which in this age of compilations and literary mincemeat one is......
Addresses To Boys And Boy Scouts. By The Rev. G.
F. Cecil de Carteret, M.A. (Skeffington and Son. 2s. net.)-These are very sensible and manly sermons to Boy Scouts. They are worth reading by those who are interested in the......
In Tripoli The Mysterious (grant Richards, 7s. 6d. Net),...
Mabel Loomis Todd gives us glimpses of Tripoli as she saw it when accompanying her husband, the American astronomer, to observe the solar eclipses of 1900 and 1903. Her......
Sande In The Forties : Being The Journal And Letters
of Colonel Keith Young, C.B., some tints Judge-Advocate-General in India. Edited by Arthur F. Scott (Constable and Co. 12s. 6d. net.)— Mr. Scott's selection of letters gives a......