We Have Dealt Elsewhere With The Question Pending Between...
and Servia in regard to a port on the Adriatic, and will only say here that there seems reason to believe that a peaceful settlement will be attained. The Triple Alliance, we......
We Are Sorry To Be Obliged To Use Language Which
cannot but seem harsh and discourteous to the Portuguese Legation, but we have no option. We repeat that Portugal cannot, or will not, govern her colonies properly, and that......
One Word More. We Would Ask Our Readers To Remember
that the action taken by the Opposition in regard to Mr. Asquith's motion was perfectly different from the puerile, un- dignified, and altogether to be condemned action taken by......
Meantime We May Note The Rumour That The Turks, Realizing
that all chance of stopping the entry of the Bulgarians by force of arms is over, are trying to attain their object by negotiations. They are, that is to say, offering to make......
On This Point We May Quote Some Wise And Powerful
words which appear in Lord Cromer's Introduction to Mr. Harris's "Dawn in Darkest Africa," just published by Messrs. Smith, Elder and Co., a book which we hope to notice next......
What The Speaker's Exact Proposal Is We Do Not Know,
but it is not difficult to guess its general outline. It will, we feel sure, in substance, acknowledge the plea of the Opposition that a decision of the House can in the future,......
On Thursday Night, Much To The Surprise Of The House
and the nation, a complete change came over the situation. When the House met they expected to see Mr. Asquith make another attempt to force his rescinding motion through, in......
It Is For This Reason That We Have Come To
the conclusion that it is necessary for all persons who detest slavery, and, really mean to do their best to abolish it, to use every effort in their power to put an end to our......
The News From The Near East Is Meagre. As Has
always happened in the present war when great events are in progress and an undecided battle raging, an extinguisher has during the week come down on all sources of information......
The News From Salonika Has Been Extremely Meagre, Con-...
that the town is now occupied not only by the Greeks but by a contingent of Bulgarian and also of Servian troops. We presume, however, that this silence is due to negotiations......
We Have Received The Following Letter From The Portuguese...
:— " The Portuguese Legation, having seen in a letter published in your trustworthy journal of November 9th the phrase, 'Portugal cannot, or will not, govern her colonies......