rro THE EDITOR OF TIM "Srzorimit."] Sra,—I have just been shown your remarks on my article in the Fortnightly Review, and I must beg to protest against your misrepresentation of its contents, and especially at the picture of my uneasiness and alarm lest the cause "be endangered" by the "furies" now let loose. My uneasiness and alarm are entirely on behalf of the public, and I expressly say, "Even the epidemic of crime foreshadowed by Mrs. Pankhurst could not appreciably delay women's suffrage." The Spectator being a Christian organ. I could not expect it to recognize Christianity in action in the shape of the hunger strike, but I did think that the Balkanic passion of the fighting "furies" might win its meed of approbation.—I am, Sir, &ea [We gladly print any protest from a "misunderstood" author, but we are bound to say we cannot fathom our corre- spondent's meaning in the last sentence.—En. Spectator.]