17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 1


N Monday e d ode c uhrs tdo royn e oh fe the oa st it um oor af e tnht oe u s events ICJ in dynasty. This tremendous revolution was announced in three edicts. The first begins by reviewing the progress of the revolution, and then the Empress Dowager, speaking for the child Emperor, goes on, according to the trans- lation in the Times : "The people of the whole Empire have their minds bent upon a Republic.. . . How could I, for the sake of the glory and the honour of our family, thwart the desire of teeming millions P" It is explained that union between North and South is essential. "Therefore Yuan Sllih-kai is given plenary powers to establish a Provisional Republican Government and to con- fer with the Republican Provisional Government at Nanking regarding the procedure for effecting a union." The edict ends by announcing that the five races of the Empire— Manchu, Chinese, Mongol, Turki, and Tibetan—are to con- stitute " the Great Republic of China." " Thus I and the Emperor shall retire and witness the accomplishment of a perfect government."