17 FEBRUARY 1912, page 14

Letters To The Editor.

THE ALLEGED MASSACRES IN TRIPOLI, [TO TRW EDITOR OW THE "iSPROTATOR,"] Sin,—In a letter published in your columns on February 10th Mr. Richard Begot makes several very grave......

The Meaning Of " Disestablishment."

[To THE EDITOR OF TIESS " BPROTAT0IL."] Stu,—Many of those who are protagonists in the fight for Disestablishment are, though they do not realize it, not so much opposed to the......

Democracy And Foreign Affairs.

[To TRH EDITOR OF TIIR "SPRCTLIOR."] SIR,—As you have been good enough to devote an article to a criticism of the pamphlet I have just issued on "Democracy and the Control of......