17 FEBRUARY 1912, page 27

Despatches From Paris, 1788 - 1790. Selected By Oscar...

1788-1700. (Camden Society.)—The editor, who was prevented from writing an Introduction to the first volume by illness, is now, ho tells us, hindered by considerations of space.......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Maar this 'Wading we notice such Books of the weak as haw not been marred for review in other formal One of the publications called forth by the Dickens Centenary is Characters......

After Thoughts. By The Right Hon. George W. E. Russell.

(Grant Richards. 7s. ed. not.)—Mr. Russell has collected in this volume a miscellany of essays, reviews of books, obituary notices of distinguished persons, &o. Sometimes wo......

Forged In Strong Fires. By John Ironside. (methuen And Co.

Os.) —This is a story of the Boer War, powerful both in the conception and the telling. The first chapter gives us a dramatic situation. There is a festive gathering at......


CARNIVAL* MR. COMPTON MACKENZIE, who commenced novelist with a vivacious tour de force in the pomander vein, relieved by a good deal of irrelevant strong language, has now......

Readable Novels.—paul The Minstrel, And Other Stories. By...

Benson. (Smith, Elder and Co. 7s. Bd. not.)—Reprinted from the Sill of Trouble and Isles of Sunset. Melancholy with very occasional relief.—No Limit. By Arthur Applin. (F. V.......

The House Of Lieronan. By Miriam Alexander. (andrew...

A 250-guinea Prize Novel," we are told. We can understand the decision, but only by imagining a reward offered for the invention, not, as the old story ran, of a new pleasure,......

A Very Useful And Interesting Guide To A Knowledge Of

English and Welsh cathedrals will be found in Our English Cathedrals, by the Rev. James Sibree, two volumes (Francis Griffiths, 50. net).— We have an account of the architecture......