17 FEBRUARY 1912, page 15

[to Trii Editor Of Till "sprctator."1 Sza,—in Your Review In

the Spectator of February 3rd of Sir Thomas Clouston's book on " Unsoundness of Mind " you refer to Professor Karl Pearson's recent statements. As those statements and those of......

Democracy And Foreign Affairs.

[To TRH EDITOR OF TIIR "SPRCTLIOR."] SIR,—As you have been good enough to devote an article to a criticism of the pamphlet I have just issued on "Democracy and the Control of......

The Problem Of The Feeble-minded.

[To Tin EDITOR OP TIIII "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In reply to the letter from your correspondent " Conservator," may I point out that the recommendations of the Royal Commission with......