17 FEBRUARY 1912, page 3

But Though We Welcome Mr. Churchill's Present Firmness Of...

we cannot help asking, Will it last if it should happen that public opinion has apparently veered round in regard to the need for naval preparation on a great scale, with its......

The Prospect Of Further Naval Increases Among The Con-...

Powers was a very serious matter, but this competi- tion had got to be met, and in every respect the resources of the country were equal to the demand. Here Mr. Churchll en-......

Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

Feb. 8th. Consols (2k) were on Friday 781—Friday week 781.......

At The First Annual Dinner Of The Agenda Club On

Monday Mr. Owen Seaman, who presided, made a speech which greatly impressed his audience. Mr. Enjiro Yamaza, the Japanese Chargé d'Affaires, spoke of the chivalry of the......

On Tuesday The English Eleven In Australia Won The Fourth

test match most handsomely by an innings and 225 runs. They have thus won the rubber as they had already won the second match by eight wickets and the third by seven wickets.......

Mr. Winston Churchill Was Entertained By The Clyde...

at luncheon on Friday week, and made an important speech on naval policy. The purposes of the Navy were essentially defensive ; the Government had no thoughts of aggression, and......

The Times Of Thursday Published A Letter From The Presi-

dents of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Surgeons in answer to Mr. Lloyd George's attack. On February 12th Mr. Lloyd George said that his invitation to......

It Was Announced On Tuesday That The Order Of The

Garter had been conferred upon Sir Edward Grey. We congratulate him most sincerely upon this distinction, which, by a foolish convention, has so rarely been conferred upon......