17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 3

But though we welcome Mr. Churchill's present firmness of tone

we cannot help asking, Will it last if it should happen that public opinion has apparently veered round in regard to the need for naval preparation on a great scale, with its con- sequent burden on the taxpayer P That is the test. Any- body can be a naval hero when, as now, it is so clearly the popular thing to be. The difficulty is to find a man who will maintain the Navy on undiminished strength when the cold fit is on. We cannot forget Mr. Churchill's action in 1909, when the need for a great effort became urgent. Mr. Churchill then wrote a letter to his constituents which it is difficult to harmonize with his present attitude. Can we feel

certain that there will be no recurrence of this mood P At the critical moment will Mr. Churchill be prepared to risk his political future rather than allow the Navy to suffer ?