17 FEBRUARY 1912, page 1

It Would Also Be Well That The Men Should Realize

that the preparations which have been made by the railways, gas coin- panics, and others to meet the strike have been of a very ample description. One of the dangers of the......

News Of The Week.

N Monday e d o d e c u h r s t d o r o y n e o h f e the o a s t i t u m o o r a f e t n h t o e u s events ICJ in dynasty. This tremendous revolution was announced in three......

We Have Dealt In Our Leading Article And In Our

Parliament- ary paragraphs with Lord Haldane's visit to Germany, but we may note here that all the indications seem to be that the visit has been exceedingly useful, It has been......

The Second Edict Approves Of The Provision Made For The

Imperial House. The third edict exhorts the people to remain quiet, and emphasizes the disinterestedness of the Throne in abdicating in order to restore the blessings of peace.......

But, Though The Visit Is A Good Beginning, It Would

not he wise to indulge in an outbreak of foolish optimism. There is undoubtedly a powerful war party in Germany, and though we hope and believe that it may not get the upper......

We Regret To Record That All The Indications Point To

a coal strike on March 1st. The handing in of strike notices has been practically universal. The Government, we note, are being urged to stop the strike, but they cannot compel......

Onnednesday The King, Accompanied By The Queen, Opened...

the customary ceremonial. The Speech from the Throne dealt first with the war between Italy and Turkey. The Government are awaiting an opportunity to associate themselves with......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any
