17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 1

We have dealt in our leading article and in our

Parliament- ary paragraphs with Lord Haldane's visit to Germany, but we may note here that all the indications seem to be that the visit has been exceedingly useful, It has been made quite clear (1) that there is no weakening here but rather a strengthening of our determination to keep the command of the sea and out- build all competitors ; and (2) that we stand absolutely by our French and Russian friends, and that any one who entertains the notion that we can be induced to out the rope or break up the Triple Entente is under a delusion. Subject to these con- ditions, Lord Haldane was able to prove viva voce how willing we are to be friends with Germany and how entirely mistaken are the Germans in thinking. that wo have any aggressive designs upon them or wish to injure them politically or econo- mically. We rejoice in German expansion, whether at home or abroad, and whether moral or material, for we know that such a contribution to the total wealth of the world must benefit, and very greatly benefit, ourselves. On the whole, the effect of the visit on German public opinion must be described as excellent, and it may well prove the foundation upon which a better understanding may be laid.