17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 27


[Maar this 'Wading we notice such Books of the weak as haw not been marred for review in other formal One of the publications called forth by the Dickens Centenary is Characters from Dickens. (Chapman and Hall. 85. ed. net.)—Here we have a portfolio of twenty Vandyck gravuros from drawings by Mr. F. G. Lewin, Mr. B. G. Matz furnishing an Introduction. Wo cannot quite agree with what Mr. Matz says about the absolute reality of Dickens's characters : they aro not real in the sense in which Hetty and Dinah in Adam Bede, or Major and Arthur Pendennis, are real ; but the subject cannot be discussed here. Tho pieturings here do not seem to us equally good. Captain Cuttle is too young, Bill Sikes and Fagin are somewhat melodramatic, Squeors is too like a burglar.