17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—May I say, with regard to Scotland, that if Mr. Boner Law can find it possible to modify his position on Tariff Reform he will probably find it will very greatly help the Unionist cause north of the Tweed at next 'election P Liberals, who are unhappy over the Insurance Act and decline to touch Home Rule, are (as in my own case) not prepared to vote for Tariff Reform—that is, Protection. We can only abstain. This, you will observe, is what happened in the recent Edinburgh by-election.—I am, Sir, &c.,


[We do not agree with "Scottish Liberal," and think him wrong to abstain instead of voting for the Union. But our disapproval cannot alter the fact that there are hundreds of Liberals in every constituency—not only in Scotland, but in England—who adopt a similar attitude. We do not ask Mr. Boner Law to make concessions to ns as Free Traders-- things are long past that-we merely desire to point out to. him the way in which he can ensure a victory for the- Union. We want him to win, not merely to score a tie.-- ED. Spectator.]