17 FEBRUARY 1912, Page 2

Other Labour and Socialist speakers followed in the same vein.

Mr. Lansbury claimed as full a life for the working mart as for the Members of the House. That is what we all want, but what we shall never get by Mr. Lansbury's methods. He talks about stirring up the workers to revolt against intolere able conditions. The idealists of his type tried that in the French Revolution. They were quite successful in stirring up the revolt and turning France for several years into a helf on earth. But what was the net result ? The working people never suffered such miseries as they did. during the five years from 1790 to 1795. Over a million people died from sheer starvation, and the end of it all was a military dictatorship and the old economic conditions of rich and poor under new labels. Labour deserves its place in the sun, bat it can only be got through a wise, gradual, and better development of existing conditions, and not through economic orgies.