How to Lengthen Oar Ears. By Viscount Harberton (C. W.
Daniel. Ss. net.)—This " Enquiry whether learning from books does not lengthen the ears rather than the understanding " is amusing. Away with books, cries the author, and let us all loam trades. " The beet educated man is the man who can do the most things." As for science or history or the fine arts or classical learn- ing, they are naught compared with the mechanic arta that some literary persona have 'stigmatized as base. Lord Harberton tilts at many windmills groat and small, and incidentally oomparee Aulus Gellius to Mr. Birrell—a comparison which bears hardly on the ex-Chief Secretary. The author is far too much of a bookman himself to make a perfect Philistine, and there is, of course, a grain of truth in his whimsical tirades against the traditional curriculum of schools.