Premature Peace.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR."] &H,—The following quotation from Coleridge (written in 1609) seems apposite enough to deserve a plum in your columns :— " For a nation to......
Salaries Of Women Teachers.
[To me Emma or me "Sreerairoa."1 Ste,-1 should like to call the attention of your readers to the new scale of salaries for teachers in secondary schools, recently issued by the......
A Good Example.
IT0 THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."I SIR,—Most people do not, probably, read their Spectator in the light of the Gospel for the day! Personally, I em compelled to do no by the......
Walter Greenway.
ITo Tau EDITOR Or THE " fitsrx-reros."3 Ste.—Your Macedonian correspondent " T." has probably Over- looked, or else forgotten, how, in introducing Walter Creensray to the......
[to The Editor Or The Spectator. - ] Slit,—the Article...
your issue of November lOth under the above heading contains much sound comment on Mr. Waugh's book, but "A Mere Schoolmaster" seems to have shrunk from putting his real opinion......
" When The Strong Man Armed."
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SrECTATOIs."1 SIR,—I see that my friend "C. R. H." has not forgotten his Greek in the last forty years, wherein he has, to a large extent, the advantage......
The Public School In Fiction.
[To run Emma or roe " Srscrsroa."1 Sus,—Can you spare me a few lines in which I would lay emphasis on one point brought forward by "A Mere Schoolmaster "? I refer to the......
Bismarck And Tile Pope.
ITo THE EDITOR or me " Sreerseen."3 Sie,—The appointment of Graf Beetling to the Chancellorship of the German Empire reminds me of a remark attributed to Bismarck—which I never......