The British Empire And The War.
L'Ernpire Britanniane et la Guerre. Par Paul Hamelle. (Perils : Blond et. Gay.)—Of the essays collected in this little book, to which Lord Bryce contributes a preface, we like......
How To Lengthen Oar Ears. By Viscount Harberton (c. W.
Daniel. Ss. net.)—This " Enquiry whether learning from books does not lengthen the ears rather than the understanding " is amusing. Away with books, cries the author, and let us......
A Documentary History Of The War.
The " Times" Documentary History of the War. Vole. (The Times. 15s. not each volume.)—This promisee to be a very valuable publication, which will be indispensable for reference.......
Current Literature.
THE CRIME. The Crime. Vol. I. By the Author of J'Aceuee I (Hodder and Stoughton. 16s. 6d. net.)—An elaborate reply by the author of J'Accuse 1 to the German critics of that......
The Tenth Mute. By Edward Thomas. (martin Seeker. Is. 6d.
net.)—Edward Thomas, who fell in France last April, was known before the war as a true lover of Nature and an appreciative critic of good literature. This little book, to which......
Petite Iiistoire Politigue De L'angleserre &pais 1.914....
clever and discreet summary of our political history since 1914—the issue for September 1st of the publication called Le Fait de la Semaine, which does not, however, appear......
Bristol Royal Infirmary.
A History of the Bristol Royal Infirmary. By G. Munro Smith. (Bristol : Arrowsmith. I2s. 6d. net.)—Bristol was the first town in Great Britain outside London to open a hospital......