Petite Iiistoire Politigue de l'AngleSerre &pais 1.914. (Paris : Graaaet. 60c.)—This
clever and discreet summary of our political history since 1914—the issue for September 1st of the publication called Le Fait de la Semaine, which does not, however, appear weekly—shows a very just appreciation of the groat national services of Mr. Asquith and Lord Grey of Fallodon, Lord Kitchener and Mr. Lloyd George. The French Censor has erased one or two passages which we should have liked to read, especially concerning the Near East. The anonymous author insists that loyalty is our national trait. His confidence in us will be justified. M. Pichon contributes a moat appreciative Preface oa Groat Britain's decision to enter the war, which, he says, settled the fate of Prussia and her dynasty and ensured the future of the free nations.