Mr. Lloyd George Went On To Blame The Allies For
the fate of Rumania, and to say that they took too little account of the collapse of Russia in preparing their plans for the present year, thus enabling the enemy to menace......
Mr. Lloyd George And M. Painleve, The French Premier,...
to Italy last week and met Signor Orlando, the Italian Premier, at Rapallo. General Smote and Sir Henry Wilson accompanied Mr. Lloyd George, and General Sir William Robertson......
On The Flanders Front A Fresh Advance Was Made Last
Saturday, on the ridge to the north of Passchendaele. In drenching- rain the Canadians fought their way along the crest and British troops struggled through the swamps on the......
The Italian Armies In Venetia Continued Their Retreat...
Friday week, when they established themselves on the right bank of the Piave, which flows into the Adriatic twenty-five miles north-east of Venice. The forces holding the......
In Southern Palestine General Allenby, Having Taken Gaza...
November 7th and smashed the Turkish line to the east, rapidly followed up his brilliant victory. Our infantry, doggedly toiling through the sandhills on the coast, occupied......
Mr. Asquith In The House Of Commons On Wednesday Asked
the Prime Minister whether the Supreme War Council of the Allies would have power, if so advised by its Military Staff, to override, the opinions of our General Staff and our......
Mr. Bonar Law Explained In The House Of Commons On
Monday that the Allied Council would be a War Council of the British, French, and Italian Governments. It would meet, as a rule, at Versailles at leant once a month, but might......
On His Return From Italy To Paris, Mr. Lloyd George
was enter- tained at lunch on Monday by M. Painleve. He took the oppor- tunity to deliver the mischievous speech to which we have already referred. He said that the strategic......
But Mr. Lloyd George Could Not Get Rid Of The
control of the Chief of the General Staff or of the Commander-in-Chief by dismissing them, the right and proper way of dealing with the matter if a Prime Minister seriously......
The Navy Roust Be Congratulated On The Fact That Only
one large merchantman was sunk last week by enemy mine or sub - marine, as compared with six the week before, whereas the weekly average for October was almost thirteen. Five......
It Was A Groat Device, But If The Home Of
Commons keeps its head it will tell Mr. Lloyd George, that it understands his game, and that it does notintend that he shall getabsolnte andsupreme control over ors• military......