Wanted, An Author.
(To THB EDITO1 OF THR SPECTATOR:1 " Out of the stress of the doing Into the peace of the done." Ste.,—I am pleased to be able to give the name of the author of these lines—i,e.,......
Bolo. Cro The Editor Or The " 13rectitor."1 Sm,—ae To
the name "Bolo" discussed in last week's Spectator, it seems to me that it is probably the Arabic form of " Paul."—......
Rro Run Enrrox Or The " Sezervros.")
Sut,—It seems possible to account for the first part of this word, as the various shades of meaning are included in the sense of "coil "—twist, entangle, awry. "I got collied......
"colly Weston."
(To rite Enema or run SPEOTATOR."] Sm,—In a letter in the Spectator of November 3rd there is a quotation from Dr. Bridge's Cheshire Proverbs, in which ho sag- geets that if the......
" Foundations."
[To TEE EDITOR. or THE " SPECTATOR."3 Sia,—Your 'reviewer of the book by the Master of University College on Religious Changes in Oxford during the Last Fifty Tears " reminds"......
Sagacity In A Dog.
ITo THE EDITOR OF ran " SPECTSTOR."1 Ssa,—As a reader of your paper I have noticed you welcome instances of special sagacity in animals, and the following instance may he of......
Notice.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...
writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Com- municated," the Editor mud not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the view therein expressed or......
" A Student In Arms."
Tun leading article in the Spectator on the death of Lieutenant Hankey and his article "Don't Worry" have been republished as a leaflet by Messrs. W. Speuight and Sons, 98.99......
" Christ In Flanders."
Owns° to the large and continued demand for copies of the poem entitled "Christ in Flanders," which appeared in our issue of September 11th, 1913, it has now been reprinted in......
"bury Or Burn."
Tan article under the above heading, dealing with the desecration of beautiful places by the scattering of pieces of paper and other picnic d4bris, which appeared in our issue......
"from A V.a.d. Hospital."
Mies MART-ADAIR Idsceorcan's three poems (" In the Ward,' "Epiphany Vision," and "In Last Year's Camp ") have been reprinted from the pages of the Spectator in pamphlet form......
Mr. Lansing's Address To Officers.
We are very glad to be able to inform our readers that we has., received permission to reprint the noble Address by Mr. Lansing which was published in the Spectator of September......