It Should Not Be Forgotten, However, That It Is Always
possible that the German paymasters of the Sinn Fein leaders may black- mail them into action. Men who have once accepted money corruptly are more or leas at the mercy of the......
Painleve Had Earlier In The Day Explained To The Chamber
the significance of the Supreme War Council, which he regarded as a step towards the unity of command that might become possible hereafter. He said that Sir Douglas Haig had......
In Ireland The Government Persist In Their Policy Of...
down small boys for drilling behind high hedges and leaving the directing and controlling Bolos and rebels untouched. They have apparently taken too literally the Shakespearean......
Last Sunday The Russian Situation Underwent A Sudden...
Kerensky, who had escaped from Petrograd to the Army, had gained control of the great wireless station at Tsarekoe Selo, mes- sages from which reported that " the liquidation of......
The Painleve Ministry Was Defeated In The French Chamber On
Fuesday and resigned. M. Painleve had reconstructed his Ministry after the critical debate of October 19th, excluding M. Ribot and putting M. Barthou in his place at the Foreign......
Petrograd Found Itself On Wednesday Week In The Hands Of
the Anarchists. K Trotsky, as President of the Petrograd Workmen's Council, declared the dissolution of the Provisional Government and the Preliminary Parliament and ordered the......
"mme. Kerensky Has Been Arrested And Is Imprisoned In The
Fortress of St. Peter and St Paul," says a recent telegram from Petrograd. Lord Halifax, the Trimmer, tolls us that ' in a Revo. lution in a week you see the same faces in the......
An American Mission, Headed By Colonel House, Arrived In...
on Thursday week, for the purpose of taking part in the Allies' War Conference. Mr. Lansing stated on the same day that America, in the employment of her man-power and material......
In Welcoming The American Mission, All Englishmen Will...
pay a particular tribute of respect to Colonel House. A man of a most penetrating judgment and scrupulous and straightforward motives, he used to add, we imagine, the touch of......
The Navy Roust Be Congratulated On The Fact That Only
one large merchantman was sunk last week by enemy mine or sub - marine, as compared with six the week before, whereas the weekly average for October was almost thirteen. Five......
We Learn From Irish Newspapers That When Meetings...
Mr. De Valera are proclaimed, the Sinn Fein leader nevertheless contrives to address a meeting at some spot not far removed from the place originally agreed upon, and this......
The Air Force Bill, Which Was Road A Second Time
on Tuesday in the House of Commons, will establish an Air Council, whose President will be a Secretary of State. The Air Council will exercise over the Air Force such authority......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 51 Per Cent.
April 5th.......