Last Sunday the Russian situation underwent a sudden change. M.
Kerensky, who had escaped from Petrograd to the Army, had gained control of the great wireless station at Tsarekoe Selo, mes- sages from which reported that " the liquidation of the Bolshevik or Anarchist adventure was only a matter of days or hours." On Tuesday, however, the " commander-in-chief of the forces acting against Kerensky" had taken Tsarskoe Selo, and promptly informed the world by wireless that be had " completely defeated the counter- revolutionary forces." Messages of the same date from Scandi- navia reported, on the other hand, that H. Kerensky had returned to the capital. At the time of writing it looks as if the struggle for power were as yet undecided. Tho Russian Ambassadors abroad have repudiated the Lenin-Trotsky Government