Birds through the Year, by W. Beach Thomas and A.
K. Collett (T. C. and E. C. Jack, 7s. 6d. net), is a moat attractive book describing month by month the birds that we may see or hear in a country walk. Mr. Beach Thomas used to write well about Nature before he turned war correspondent ; he still writes wall, combining accurate observation with a pleasant literary style. The chapter on " The Full Chorus " of birds in May is especially good ; young readers who want to learn the birds notes will find it really helpful. "The most marked difference in the songs of our English birds is between those which consist of a single set phrase or ditty, and those which consist of a long flowing note." The authors proceed to distinguish the bird-songs on the basis of this simple rule. They have been well served by their illustrators. Them are twenty- four coloured plates, and Mr. Seaby contributes over two hundred drawings.—Geology, by A. R. Dwerryhouso (same publishers, 3s. Od. net), is another good book for young people. The author, after briefly stating some elementary principles, sets out on a geological reconnaissance and shows how interesting a little know- ledge of the science may be to an explorer and prospector. The volume is well illustrated with photographs and diagrams.