How 11. e Baffled the Germane, by Eric Wood (T. Nelson and Sons, 35.0d. net), is a capital story of the war in South-West Africa. There are two heroes, and their escapes separately from the rebel Markz and from the Germans aro cleverly told. When they are reunited, we have some exciting episodes of the campaign.—The OileLin Pockets, by Reginald Berkeley and James Dixon (Duckworth and Co., 6e. net), is a tale of the Southern Seas, where the adventurers go to seek a pirate's hoard. The authors have modelled their plot on that of Treasure Island, and " Red-beard " is more or leas a Scottish counterpart of John Silver. But boys do not mind a little plagiarism in the least, and they will find this story to be well constructed and distinctly exciting.—The Island of the Stars, by Cyrus T. Brady (Jerrold and Sons, Os.), is also concerned with a hunt for pirate treasures, but it has more sentimental interest. Mistress Lucy and her humble admirer, who is a pretty fighting man, go off to the South Seas in search of the family's secret hoard, and are shipwrecked on a desert island. The survivors of their crew come upon them, and there is a spirited contest ended by an earthquake. Hampdon and his lady by their unaided efforts sail the battered ship across the Pacific to safety, but Mr. Brady has by that time accustomed us to the impossible.—Mies Esther Glen's Six Little New Zealanders (Cassell and Co., 3s. Od.) is a pleasant story of country life in the Dominion.--Small children will be delighted with the short stories and pictures in The Rosebud .4nnueef (James Clarke and Co., 4s. 6d. net).