18 APRIL 1896, Page 1


THE Continent is watching the movements of the German Emperor, who on Saturday met King Humbert at Venice, and on Tuesday embraced the Emperor Francis Joseph in Vienna. In both instances the personal relations of the Sovereigns were most cordial, and in both their Ministers held long conferences on business. In Venice a certain affectation of secrecy was maintained, but in Vienna it was admitted that the object of the journey was to renew the Triple Alliance for five years from 1897. No changes were made in the Treaty itself, which in fact is extended automatically in periods of five years, unless notice is given of its termination ; but a secret supplement, which settles the amount of force to be contributed by each Power, has undergone some modification. The renewal of the Treaty appears to please the peoples of all the three nations, and probably does so; but upon such questions it is impossible to trust the Continental Press. A rumour that the Alliance has been extended into one for offence as well as defence is obviously unfounded, as the Powers have no wish to aggrandise each other, and the stories about the position of Great Britain are so vague as to be almost meaningless. There is no doubt that Great Britain remains isolated but friendly as regards the Alliance, and unfettered, though more than friendly, as regards Italy. The semi-official German Press is as hostile to this country as ever, but the Austrian Press remains as before quietly but decidedly sympathetic.