18 APRIL 1896, page 26

London Idylls. By W. J. Dawson. (hodder And Stoughton.) —we

have found in earlier books by Mr. Dawson so much to like, that this volume has been a great disappointment. A magnilo- quent preface introduces us to ten stories and sketches......

A Point Of Conscience. By Mrs. Hungerford. (chatto And...

)—The verdict pronounced upon Mrs. Hungerford's last new work will depend a good deal upon whether the reader is, or is not, of the number of those who usually enjoy her novels,......

We Have Great Pleasure In Noticing Vol. Iii. Of Picturesque

Ceylon, by Henry W. Cave, M.A. The first and second parts of the series have met everywhere—and in Ceylon itself as much as elsewhere—with well-deserved appreciation. We are......