[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."]
Sra,—A few days ago Mrs. Bardsley, wife of Canon Bardsley of Huddersfield, saw her cat jump on a table in the drawing- room, take a reel of cotton from a work-basket, and, after......
The Buisson Institute.
[To THE EDFfOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Miss Frances Power Coble, in a letter which appeared in the Spectator of April 11th, generously offers £20, together with f.-.5 from a......
[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I once heard a sermon from an eloquent Irish Roman Catholic priest, in which his reverence enjoined upon his hearers the observance of......
A Dog-story And A Squirrel-story.
[TO THY EDITOR 07 TER " SPECTATOR:9 SIR,—I note that in your paper you are publishing anecdotes about dogs. Permit me to relate one of a dog belonging to us named Forte,' a......
[to The Editor Of The "srccrit08."1 Sir,—perhaps The...
be new to your readers :— A. lecturer on chemistry said : " One drop of this poison placed on the tongue of a. cat is sufficient to kill the strongest man." Lieutenant Ellizon......
[to The Editor Oe The "spectator "] Sir,—in Irishman, Who...
very ill when the physician told him that he must prescribe an emetic for him, said, "Indeed, doctor, an emetic will never do me any good, for I have taken several, and could......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] . SIR, — Anecdotes about doge and cats are no new things, but it is a new experience for a cat to do "sentry duty" while waiting for rats.......
To Kaiser,' A Dachshund.
[To TEE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, — Will these verses on ' Kaiser,' a Dachshund, written by a little girl, be worthy of a space among your dog-stories ?- I have a......