[To THE EDITOR OE THE "SPECTATOR "] SIR,—In Irishman, who was
very ill when the physician told him that he must prescribe an emetic for him, said, "Indeed, doctor, an emetic will never do me any good, for I have taken several, and could never keep one of them upon my stomach." An Irishman, at cards, who, inspecting the pool, found it deficient, exclaimed, " Here is a shilling short ; who put it in ? " A. poor Irish servant-maid, who was left- handed, placed the knives and forks upon the dinner-table in the same awkward fashion. Her master remarked to her that she had placed them all left-handed. " Ah, true indeed, sir," she said, " and so I have. Would you be pleased to help me 0 turn the table? " Doyle and Yelverton, the two eminent members of the Irish Bar, quarrelled one day so violently that from hard words they came to hard blows. Doyle, a powerful man at the fists, knocked down Yelverton twice, vehemently exclaiming, " You scoundrel, I'll make you behave yourself like a gentleman!" To which Yelverton, rising, replied, with equal indignation, " No, sir ; never. I defy you. You could not do it ! " A merchant, who died suddenly, left in his bureau a letter to one of his cor- respondents, which he had not sealed. His clerk, seeing it necessary to send the letter, wrote at the bottom, "Since writing the above I have died."
A village cure, preaching about sudden deaths, cried,— " Thus it is with us. We go to bed well, and get up stone dead !" An old councillor, M. d'Herbaut, writing to one of his friends of an estate which he had just bought, added,— " There is a chapel upon it, in which my wife and I wish to be buried, if God spares our lives."
The Hodja Nasr-Eddin, a Turkish teacher and preacher, one night shot out of a window at what be thought was a robber, but it turned out next morning to be his own caftan hanging up in the garden. Perceiving that an arrow had pierced it, he cried,—" Thanks, 0 Lord, that I was not inside it, for otherwise I must have been killed."
Resolutions passed at the Council Board of Canton, a city of Mississippi :—(1) Resolved by this Council that we build a new jail. (2) Resolved that the new jail be built out of the materials of the old jail. (3) Resolved that the old jail be
used until the new jail be finished.—I am, Sir, &c., X.