18 APRIL 1896, page 1

On Monday Mr. Gerald Balfour, In A Speech Of Three

hours, introduced his new Irish Land Bill. It is a vast measure, but unless we greatly mistake the omens, it will pass, for, though fair to the landlords, it offers boons to the......

The Figures For The Past Fiscal Year's Revenue And...

are as follows :- Revenue (Exchequer Receipts) ... £101,074,000 Expenditure (Exchequer Issues) ... 97,761,000 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure ... £1,210,000 This sum would in......

On Thursday The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Introduced...

in a speech of two hours' duration, marked by great lucidity. The main feature of the statement was that no taxes are to be increased or taken off. The revenue for the coming......

News Of The Week.

T HE Continent is watching the movements of the German Emperor, who on Saturday met King Humbert at Venice, and on Tuesday embraced the Emperor Francis Joseph in Vienna. In both......

The News From Rhodesia Is Still Of A Mixed Character.

The officer in command at Bulawayo telegraphs that the hills round the town are full of the enemy, and that be has certainly not more than three hundred and fifty men avail-......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Notice To Advertisers.

With Use " SPECTATOR " of Saturday, April 25th, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......