TO A LADY, WITH A COPY OF "THE PURPLE EAST." DAUGHTER of Ireland,—nay, 'twere better said, Daughter of Ireland's beauty, Ireland's grace, Child of her charm, of her romance ;......
The Buisson Institute.
[To THE EDFfOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Miss Frances Power Coble, in a letter which appeared in the Spectator of April 11th, generously offers £20, together with f.-.5 from a......
M. TISSOT'S RELIGIOUS PICTURES. THERE is nothing new in M. Tissot's method of illustrating the Gospels. To free the sacred narrative from the conven- tional forms of......
More Hawarden Hora.ce. Ad Melpomenen.—(03. Iv. 3.) Quasi...
semel Nascentem placid() lumine videris, Ilium non labor Isthni ins Clarabit pugilem, non equus impiger Curru ducet Achaico Victorem, neque res bellica Deliis Ornatum foliis......