18 APRIL 1896, page 2

There Has Been Practically No News From The Red Sea

thisk week. Stores are accumulating at Wady Haifa, the railway thence to Akasheh is going on, and reports come in daily of Dervish parties which have been seen scouting, but......

On Monday Mr. Balfour Moved For Leave To Have Morning

sittings at 2 o'clock on Tuesdays, and to take these morning sittings for the Government. He made his statement ex- tremely short, pointing out that in 1895 all the Tuesdays......

The Following Are The Details Of Expenditure Estimated...

coming year contrasted with the actual issues of last year :— National Debt Services ... ... £25,000,000 .R25,000,000 Other Consolidated Fund Ser- vices ... ... ... .........

Prince Ferdinand Of Bulgaria Seems To Have Carried His...

indifference in matters of religion just one step too far. He first baptised his son Boris according to the Greek rite, then he professed his own willingness to join the Greek......

Berlin Is Greatly Agitated By A Scandal In Which The

" Court party," with the Emperor at its centre, is accused of acting with great "barbarism." Herr von Kotze was, it appears, suspected of forwarding obscene libels to various......

Mr. Acland (the Vice-president Of The Council In The Last

Government and practically its Education Minister) made a, speech to his constituents at Rotherham on the Education Bill on Wednesday night, attacking it, as it seems to us, in......

The Figures For The Past Fiscal Year's Revenue And...

are as follows :- Revenue (Exchequer Receipts) ... £101,074,000 Expenditure (Exchequer Issues) ... 97,761,000 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure ... £1,210,000 This sum would in......

Sir Michael Hicks-beach Enlivened His Budget By One Or Two

curious facts. For example, he stated that he believed the increased yield of the Tobacco-duty-033,000 over the previous year—was due to increased cigarette smoking. Cigarette......