18 APRIL 1896, Page 1

The figures for the past fiscal year's revenue and expenditure

are as follows :- Revenue (Exchequer Receipts) ... £101,074,000 Expenditure (Exchequer Issues) ... 97,761,000 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure ... £1,210,000 This sum would in the ordinary course have gone to redeem Debt, but it is on the present occasion to be diverted to pay for naval works as previously arranged. When these figures are compared with those of the previous year (1894.95) their full significance will be seen. The revenue during 1894.95 was £94,684,000. Therefore this year no less than £7,290,000 more was received by the Treasury than in the previous year. The reason why the surplus realised was not greater is, of course, due to the very large supplementary Estimates. Last year the Customs were about half a million better than the esti- mates, the Death duties a million and a ha!f better, and stamps £1,690,000 better. Income-tax was not much more than half a million higher than the estimate. The postal revenue last year, it is satisfactory to note, was about £700,000 better than the estimate, and nearly a million better than in the previous year.