Angling, and How to Angle. By I. T. Bargees. Edited
by R. B. Marston. (F. Warne and Co.)—Mr. Burgess's book, published some twenty-seven years ago, has been revised and brought up to date by a gentleman who has an excellent right to speak on the subject. Mr. Marston, who is as familiar with the pen as with the rod, edits the Fishing Gazette, and has every opportunity of knowing what is being added to or changed in the gentle craft. And he has the advantage of receiving assistance from some specialists. Mr. A. J. Jardine writes about " Pike-Fishing," Mr. F. M. Walbron on "North-Country Flies " and " Creeper- Fishing" (a "creeper," it may be explained, is a stone-fly. It is called a "creeper" when it is in its caddis phase of existence). The editor contributes a paper on the highly scientific and remunerative art of " Dry-fly Fishing."